Using CFD analysis to predict the effect of wind on a tower crane
CFD proves to offer a reliable working methodology for designers
Autore: Francesco Valente – Terex Tower Cranes; Alessandro Arcidiacono – EnginSoft
Designers of tower cranes must consider many variables when translating the interaction between airflow and a structure into an integral force. Synthesizing the variables makes the calculations more precise and easier to perform, without compromising safety margins.
Industry regulations must also be followed in creating appropriate predictive models for evaluating the effect of airflow on these cranes. The reference standard for calculating the wind loads acting on a tower crane is conceptually simple and easy to implement and includes many rules and parameters that can help designers to evaluate the shielding effects of components’ shapes.
However, engineers must typically be guided by their intuition and experience to understand how much one element is shielded by another and how intensely they are affected by the airflow. This article proposes the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to address these complexities.
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Fonte:Newsletter EnginSoft Year 17 n°3