Electromagnetic simulation
Our tools help you reduce expenses in development and shorten the time to market your electrical and electronic products.
TALK TO AN EXPERTCreate electronic and electrical products faster and with maximum resource savings
Count on ESSS's support to develop innovative products through engineering simulation, minimizing test costs, ensuring compliance and reliability, and drastically reducing development time. From micro to macro scale, optimize designs in areas such as chips, drives and electric motors, transformers, electromechanical actuators, sensors, electrification, electromobility, antennas, and communication networks.

Ansys electromagnetic simulation tools
Ansys HFSS
Accurately simulate high-frequency electromagnetic phenomena in electronic devices and systems, from microchips to antennas in cities and aircraft.
Ansys Maxwell
Gain reliability for low-frequency simulations in electric motors, generators, actuators, sensors, transformers, and various other electromagnetic devices.
We are ready to both understand and solve your engineering simulation challenges
Ask for a quote now: an ESSS expert will contact you to point you in the right direction and help you successfully tackle your challenges in electromagnetism, and more to achieve a greater competitive advantage in the marketplace.