Ansys Granta

Leading material intelligence

Ansys Granta helps you digitalize your company’s materials knowledge, choose the right materials for products, and provide resources for materials education.


Revolutionize the way you discover and manage materials data

Ansys Granta offers a range of materials information management software, designed for companies to realize their in-house material intelligence. The solutions make sourcing relevant materials data effortless, empowering you to navigate vast databases, swiftly accessing the precise information you need and identifying superior materials for a wide range of industry projects.

  • Simulation accuracy with the latest materials
  • Rapid exploration on the cloud
  • Repeatable additive manufacturing
  • Integration with leading CAD, CAE and PLM systems
Anys simulation

Make informed decisions based on materials intelligence

Ansys Granta solutions help various industries and sectors where materials data plays a crucial role. From using the scalable Granta MI solution to manage and bring control to your in-house materials information, or, making smarter materials choices using Granta Selector.

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Battery cell and electrode

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Gas turbines

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Environmental pollution control

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Energy and power generation

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Medical devices and biotechnology

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Electronics and semiconductors

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Enable digital transformation

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Smarter materials choices

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Material-led eco-design

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Regulatory compliance

Ansys Granta solutions

Our comprehensive materials information management solutions empower you to efficiently explore, select, and manage materials data.

Ansys Granta MI Enterprise

Leading materials data management with CAD, CAE and PLM integration. Access to 250,000+ advanced materials data, additive manufacturing and restricted substances risk assessment.

Ansys Granta MI Pro

Fast-start materials data management with 2,600+ datasets pre-loaded, where you can compare materials properties. Integration with leading CAD and CAE products.


Make smarter materials choices and intelligent materials selection, including search for similar materials, comprehensive advanced materials data, and export simulation-ready data.

Materials Data

Unrivaled materials data library containing a wide spectrum of data. Trusted materials data, complete and comparable, Granta software-ready.

Materials Data for Simulation

Accurate materials data for accurate simulation, including simulation-ready material models. Trusted data and easy access.


The world-leading resources for materials teaching. Get a comprehensive database of materials and processes, selection tools, interactive projects, and exercises.

We are ready to understand and solve your engineering simulation challenges

Ask for a quote now: an ESSS expert will contact you to choose the best software for your needs and help you successfully tackle your challenges in engineering. Start now and become more competitive in the market.

Ready to use Ansys solutions and radically improve your projects?


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