ANSYS University
Tailored solutions for all those involved in the academic chain of teaching and research, from teacher to researcher.
Simulation for teaching!
If you are a teacher and want to use ANSYS technology for educational purposes, ESSS and ANSYS have a series of products specifically for you.
- Solve didactic and classroom problems;
- Create and use your own Virtual Lab;
- Mix computer theory and the practice of computer simulation, and complement your laboratory processes
- Train researchers accustomed to the use of high-performance technology.

Benefits of the Virtual Teaching Laboratory
Students learn simulation software widely found in industry
Costs are reduced, no machinery, specialized labor, or physical materials required
Contact with essential tools for the implementation of Industry 4.0 in any industrial environment
Case studies to improve understanding of physical and chemical phenomena
Increased scientific exploration with no risks
ANSYS Licensing for Teaching
ESSS helps teachers set up their own Virtual Labs. And we still help develop collaborative case studies. A teacher can make use of different ANSYS licenses:
Student licenseFree
For individual development. It can not be used in the classroom. Supports the Virtual Lab, complementing the teaching license.
Teaching license
For classroom use only, in didactic support, for the use in the Virtual Laboratory. Supplemented by student homework.

Simulation for research!
Are you a researcher interested in ANSYS for nonconfidential academic research, such as for a master’s thesis, doctorate, or journal article? ESSS and ANSYS can help you with a series of academic products. We see this as an important investment in our shared future.
Solve problems according to the subject to be investigated with multiphase coupling
For the virtual prototyping technique application, reducing costs and development time
Without limiting the size of the simulation you want to do
If you’re a researcher who needs ANSYS for confidential projects subject to Intellectual Property agreements, ESSS and ANSYS can help facilitate the purchase or rental of commercial licenses.
ANSYS licenses for research
ESSS helps teachers set up their own Virtual Labs. And we still help to make a collaborative development of teaching cases for this application. A teacher, to develop these activities, can make use of different ANSYS licenses:
Full license with the objective of development of R&D. All material must be publishable.
Campus Solution
Multiphysics Campus Solutions for groups of teachers developing activities. Without a doubt, the best cost/benefit.
ANSYS Academic Multiphysics Campus Solution
This multiphysics ANSYS license package, which can be used on campus or multiple campuses, serves professors in engineering fields, allowing any combination of structural, fluid dynamics, electromagnetic, and systemic simulations.

Campus Solution Benefits:
Combines research and teaching seats into a single license
It allows a better exchange of licenses between several departments, laboratories and even campuses located in different cities
It incorporates an additional package of HPC (high performance computing), essential for those who need to gain performance in computational calculations
ANSYS Academic Products Features Table.